sweet smelling discharge 20 weeks pregnant

You may wonder what it means if your pregnancy discharge color changes. Feel drowsy, weak, spaced out or oddly unwell. I had what they call a hind water leak at 22 weeks and bub was and is still fine at 27 weeks now. Amniotic fluid is usually clear or has a pale yellow tint. But I keep reading and hearing that only amniotic fluid is sweet smelling and watery in consistency. The sweet smell can also be a part of your pregnancy. Pregnancy can make the urine more concentrated. Vaginal discharge. Healthy vaginal discharge is usually thin, clear or milky white, and should not smell unpleasant. Amy - December 30. you definitely have a yeast infection. Discharge DUring pregnancy clear stretchy watery discharge day period is due white discharge, odor, 1 week late for period, tender breast Watery Discharge followed by mild cramps White discharge from penis White discharge , slight abdominal cramps, occasional nausea white/clear sticky discharge Excessive Discharge right after Menstruation By 26 weeks, your baby will weigh about 2 pounds. Mines been just like this since about 8/9 weeks, very yellowy but all of my urine tests have been normal. The most common symptoms are yellowish or grayish-white watery discharge with a strong "fishy" smell. They can be slimy, thick, creamy or mixed with curd masses. Increased vaginal discharge is a common complaint during pregnancy, and is the result of fluctuating hormones and increased blood circulation in the vaginal area. Endless headaches. Menu. However, in case you notice any unusual discharge that's yellow or green with a foul smell, do let your doctor know. A yellow-orange is likely just cervical mucus, a neon orange could be a sign of infection, and a streaky, pink-ish orange is likely very light, fresh spotting possibly from cervical trauma. A pregnant woman should seek medical attention, however, if vaginal discharge im 20 weeks pregnant today an was just wonderin if any1 else has had the same as me. Third stage. 4. By the end of this week, your babys genitalia will start developing into either a penis or a clitoris and labia majora. This helps in identifying the birth defects in the baby. Body changes/ Signs of Pregnancy. 10. If your pregnancy is full-term when your water breaks, but you're not in labor, it's called preterm rupture of membranes (PROM). Hey. It's pregnancy. Useful tools. During pregnancy, there is an increased blood supply to the vagina and cervix. It also has no scent and/or a slightly sweet smell. The length of the baby is about 8 cm or 2.7 inches. i'm a nurse so i know. Sexual intercourse during this time will get your pregnant. See all in Pregnancy Preparing for a newborn. Yeast infections are caused by an overgrowth of candida, or yeast, that grows naturally in the vagina. Bloating, cramps and backache. Its usually nothing to worry about, but if the discharge changes in colour and you are experiencing any pain, get it checked out. 1 According to OB-GYN Dr. Trina Pagano, as soon as conception occurs, your body starts producing more vaginal fluid. Definitely go to the doctor if you're very concerned, but that is something that you can do longer term, too, to help ease nerves. Have a fever over 100 Getting Pregnant . Experience a foul-smelling discharge. I was told amniotic fluid smells sweet. U might want to get checked. Good luck This is common in the first weeks of pregnancy. Gabriella 28+1. :) take care x x But now at 23 weeks its the same clear but with some white mixed in as well. Is this normal or should I be worried? Watery smelly discharge. Develop severe pain. While white creamy discharge can happen during the menstrual cycle due to changes in the hormone estradiol, it is most commonly associated with pregnancy discharge. You may develop bacterial vaginosis due to an imbalance in the vaginal bacteria. I have herd amniotic fluid smells very sweet! The bacteria, being of the same family as those found in yogurt, will lead to the sweet smelling discharge. But another reason why foul-smelling discharge is so concerning to the expecting mom is that it could be a sign of a miscarriage. Netmums-to-be. Normal secretions during a healthy pregnancy are typically thin and white and do not smell foul or fishy. 5 Jun. Look pale or feel cold and sweaty. For many women this is normal and nothing to worry about. High acidity is discharge, high alkalinity would be amniotic fluid (or semen if you just had sex). As estrogen levels rise in pregnancy, leukorrhea may develop. Negative HPT. Post-stage. Worried about amniotic fluid leak. A brown spotting with no vaginal itching or foul smelling is normal in women. About 10-20% of women with known pregnancies miscarry before 20 weeks. It is whitish in color and sometimes may be brownish, yellowish or pinkish. Do you experience excessive discharge in pregnancy? Are you worried your excessive discharge is due to an infection? I WOULD JUST WAIT IF YOUVE HAD YOUR DR APPT. #28 Strong-smelling urine. Your body undergoes several changes during pregnancy. A doctor can prescribe antibiotics or Yeast Infection. According to Yvonne Bohn, MD, co-author of The Mommy Docs Ultimate Guide to Pregnancy and Birth, Rising levels of estrogen and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the first trimester trigger nausea, vomiting and morning sickness. In addition, white discharge can turn yellow on contact with air. The commonest cause of abnormal brown discharge in women is PID (pelvic inflammatory disease). I am a very clean person and just feel grossed out at myself. Your baby also sleeps and wakes up. smell, Gas, Constipated, Bleeding gums, Vivid dreams, Restless sleep, Exhaustion. I had large gushes of fluid and it had a very sweet smell and was clear and not thick like discharge. There is no smell or pain, but it continues throughout the day. The body of a woman during the entire menstrual cycle is transformed. Please dont tell me to ask my doc. This normal early pregnancy discharge is thin, milky white and has a mild smell. I am 30 weeks and am having sweet smelling dischrge i just had my test for diabetes and was all clear so not that. 41 to 42 weeks. A gush of fluid from the vagina. Dizziness in pregnancy can be caused by blood pressure changes, rising hormones, dehydration, or low blood sugar levels. So, for example, if you see thick white chunky discharge, that could be a yeast infection. Gender Matter: The highlight of week 20 is the gender determination which is totally your wish. This usually starts off as spotting that may transition to thick, brownish discharge with a putrid smell. An increase in the volume of mild-smelling vaginal discharge during pregnancy is normal, but unusual colors and odors often indicate infection. No wait, mild and sweet. what is worryn me is that 1nce yesterday an 1nce today when i went to the loo i found a bit of a yellow/greenish discharge, am a first time mum an everythins worryin me. "Pregnant women appear to have a heightened sense of smell in pregnancy. Sometimes however, the discharge is the result of an infection or other problem. A sticky discharge after miscarriage may occur when you are extremely fertile and at the peak of your ovulation cycle. Discharge that is stringy or watery indicates that the period of ovulation is not at its peak. A pregnant woman with a liquid other than urine or normal discharge coming from the vagina should visit the doctor. Sweet discharge may not be a bad thing. However, it may concern you because it is out of character down there. Your vagina can take on different smells depending on different things. When things smell sweet down there, you can feel comfort in knowing that it at least isn't due to an infection. Conversely some women may develop a strong craving for a certain food very early on and this too can be a clue to pregnancy. regular or frequent contractions. Vaginal discharge keeps on increasing until delivery, which is a result of the increased hormonal levels. Your belly isn't quite visibly big yet but your veins might be more visible on your abdomen and breasts and your vaginal discharge would have increased. Other signs of preterm labor may include. Fertility ; Ovulation ; Preparing for Pregnancy ; Pregnancy . When normal, it should be somewhat thick, clear to white in color, and odorless. Odor. Signs and symptoms at 20 weeks pregnant. ive been havin quite a bit of white/yellowish discharge, thats no worryin me. redness of It may even be different body weight. ; Use warm water to wash your vulva (Ferguson 2019, Sobel 2020).If you want to use a product, make sure it's mild and unperfumed (Ferguson 2019, Sobel 2020), such as a soap substitute or an emollient wash (NICE 2017).Avoid using ordinary soap. It can range in color from clear to orange, yellow or white. Any house activities that you might need to participate in, should be finished up as soon as possible. Please see your dermatologist for a more definitive diagnosis and treatment. Bad for you and bad for those whose company you keep, be it work colleagues, family members, or your children. Pregnancy calendar Baby name generator. Dont get yourself too stressed! But often the representatives of the weaker sex are tormented by the discharge of a greenish color. TODAY THEY WOULDNT HAVE SENT YOU HOME IF SOMETHING WAS TERRIBLY WRONG.. Changing mood, hormones, discharge. He ran up a second stairway and waited. For the last 2 days ive noticed im having a sweet smelling discharge. Your baby's movements are much stronger now. MD, FACS, FAAO 12/20. if it smells like fruity pebbles then its defintely diabetes. The size grows the size thrice as the beginning of the week. Many women get brown spots and skin tags around their body during pregnancy. Its just enough to need a pantyliner but not enough to soak my undies. If the pain suddenly gets worse, call your doctor. The exact color of orange pregnancy discharge affects the potential meanings. Smelly white discharge is usually due to vaginal infection. A Smelly Vaginal Discharge During Pregnancy. It occurs when your cervical mucus mixes with blood. A. Regular discharge comes out sporadically in small amounts, but amniotic fluid leaks out continuously once your water breaks. Heavier discharge can occur throughout pregnancy without concern. Had AN appt on Fri, bean thriving, measuring a week bigger. Hang on, they will go away in a couple of weeks or so. Foul smelling discharge. Fast forward to today - horrible feeling of pressure as if bean pressing on cervix, more sweet smelling discharge, underwear soaked again. Bad for you and bad for those whose company you keep, be it work colleagues, family members, or your children. When you're pregnant, it's normal to have more discharge than before. 34 weeks pregnant and ice skating. When your blood sugar is above normal, you may encounter a sweet smell from the increased sugar and yeast growth. You're cramping like you're on your period. your water breaking. Normal or Not: Not Normal. It is due to ascending infection ( gonorrhea, chlamydia or BV) that affects the fallopian tubes. As the cervix and the walls of the vagina soften, your body produces extra pregnancy discharge to help prevent the infections. Your symptoms like mood swings, nausea and constipation would be bothering you quite a bit. changes in vaginal discharge (watery, mucus, or bloody) an increase in vaginal discharge. The backbone of the baby is soft and can now flex. When your vaginal discharge is milky white in color but is thick and clumpy in texture, it may be a sign of a yeast infection. A. Easier said than done I know! Thanks ladies. Green discharge. Rachael F (199) 03/08/2016 at 5:26 pm. At first I thought it was just discharge but this morning I am not so sure as there was no discharge there (sorry tmi) just damp. Its quite normal to have discharge during pregnancy, the only time they really worry is if its bright red or very smelly. b - December 31. you need to be checked for gestional diabetes. Beitrags-Autor: Beitrag verffentlicht: 11. I have so much discharge now and it started to pick up around 20 weeks too. Amniotic fluid is odorless while urine smells likewell, urine. If it not constant it not your waters it is very normal to get alot of discharge variety from clear to white thicker to more watery to point you need to wear a pad towards the end. Vaginal infections from bacterial vaginosis can cause a fishy odor that is very unpleasant. One of the hardest things to tell in late pregnancy is whether leaking fluid is normal vaginal discharge or amniotic fluid. Dehydration during pregnancy can make the urine look darker or smell worse. 20 weeks pregnant Fetal Development. After you become pregnant, you might notice an increase in your usual discharge (called leukorrhea), thanks to more estrogen in your system and an increase in blood flow. It helps shield your baby from the outside world when youre pregnant, along with your amniotic sac, before youre ready to deliver. I may also leak a little urine on occasion. However, you should still speak to your healthcare provider about it. She tried to scream, but a foul-smelling rag was being held firmly over her mouth and nose. 0. Had it last weekend, like water (soaked underwear ), very sweet smell. Parenting Back. 20 weeks pregnancy symptoms include constipation, swollen feet, etc. discomfort while urinating. Many women mistake these common early signs of pregnancy for PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome) but they can be caused by hormonal changes and the growth of the uterus. This can lead to a stronger smell, and it may make a fishy smell more noticeable. Amniotic fluid is generally clear, while urine tends to be on the yellower side and discharge more of a cloudy white. I am 28 weeks pregnant and for the last few days I have noticed that my pants feel damp. See all in Parenting Babies Children Teenagers Education. Pregnancy discharge color should be a milky white color or colorless with no odor. This can result to slight bleeding or spotting with very little trauma or sexual intercourse. Your baby's eyes are almost completely formed and can partially open. Foul-smelling vaginal discharge is an embarrassing problem all-around. Feel dizzy, lightheaded or faint. When youre pregnant, you produce leukorrhea a harmless vaginal discharge caused by an increase in estrogen levels. It can be tempting to examine your cervical mucus for changes in white discharge as early pregnancy signs. Watery Discharge in the Second Trimester. I am 20 weeks and have been having a watery (not clear - watery) discharge. Fishy-smelling, gray, and thin discharge can be bacterial vaginosis. From about 19-22 weeks it was all clear and watery and made me super nervous. VISUAL SNOW UPDATE: 2018. Ovulation calculator Due date calculator. CD29/13dpo/AF Due/1 Day Late - Medium cramps, Increased yellow discharge with slight B.O. A lot many people waits for the end for the biggest bit but if you want this week might be the lucky week for you to finally settle on a name. Increased vaginal discharge is a common pregnancy symptom. Here we go with more totally weird pregnancy symptoms that you may experience before a This week is not for a growth spurt instead of differentiation of organs inside. See all in Getting pregnant. You may notice that as your pregnancy progresses, the consistency, thickness, and amount of pregnancy discharge varies. What follows is going to be one of the biggest growth phases for your children as well as a wonderful time for you to begin preparing for their arrival. It can also be a sign of a developing vaginal or bladder infection and should be discussed with your ob at your next appt to be safe. Probably normal: increase in discharge can be normal during any time in pregnancy. Excessive discharge could be your waters breaking. Keep your outer genital area (vulva) and the area between your vagina and anus (perineum) clean. It is important to treat it on time or else it may lead to preterm delivery, miscarriage, or post pregnancy uterine infection. Genitals. When your water breaks, amniotic fluid may come out as a leak or trickle, or in a big, dramatic gush.