reflection and refraction lab report discussion

If the index of refraction for water is n 1 = 1.3, will the critical angle for total internal reflection be greater than or smaller than the critical angle you recorded for glass? The labs for the light and waves unit were created to teach students from K - 8 about the color, light, waves, reflection, refraction and absorption. The ratio of the sin of the sin of the angle of incidence to the sin of the angle of refraction is a constant. Lab 11 Reflection And Refraction Answer Key Whenever a light strikes the surface of some material at an angle, . Open a Microsoft Word document to keep a log of your procedures, results and discussions. In this experiment we shall study the limit where the wave nature of light can be neglected and we can consider a train of light waves to be a straight line, or ray. and argument development and evaluation to double-blind peer review and report revision. IV. This is an example of how the lab report should be set up and what information is required in each section. Not actually a UFO. Reflection and Refraction (Names) (Institution Affiliation) (Date) Reflection Reflection refers to the change in course of the "wavefront" at a boundary between two . Snell's Law Lab Report. For more conclusive results the experiment was done in a dark room. The index of refraction shows how much faster light propagates in a vacuum than in that material: n= c v Where 'c' is the speed of light in a vacuum and 'v' is the speed of light in the material. a. REFRACTION THROUGH GLASS SLAB AIM: To trace the course of different rays of light through a rectangular glass slab at different angles of incidence, measure the angle of incidence, refraction and verify Snell`s law. Experiment A consisted of observing one's self in a mirror and determining the mathematical form of the Law of Reflection. This is to say, we find the critical angle when the value of the incident theta is equal to 90 and thus sin(i) is equal to 1. Episode 317 Reflection and refraction of waves tap iop org. 1. These happens due to the density of two media. A normal is a line that is perpendicular to a surface. Theory*C:*Dispersion* Wehaveallseenap rismor%looked%up%in%the%sky%to%witness%thebeautyofarainbow. by. Goals: (1) Determine the point of divergence for a set of light rays (2) Measure and verify the law of reflection (3) Measure and verify the refraction of light Equipment List Laser pointer, a lab-jack, an optics kit which includes: a ray table, a at re angles between the ray and the line normal to the surface in the two media. Troposphere Refraction Lab 285 Words | 2 Pages. This was due to the optical densities of two media. Reflection Refraction and Diffraction. This log will become your lab report. Reflection and Refraction Experiment. $9.50. Whenever a light strikes the surface of some material at an angle, part of the wave is reflected and part is transmitted (or absorbed). We need to see the incident and reflected rays, that is why we place the plane surface of the mirror in the path of the incident ray at an appropriate angle. For re ection, exper-iments will be done to determine if the angle of re ection is equal to the angle of incidence for a beam of light incident on a at surface. Using a ruler, find the centre of the flat side of a piece of Lucite. N1 N2 10 The values of the angles 'I' and 'r' were tabulated and the values of sin i and sin r were calculated OBSERVATION / RESULTS: Angle of incidence, i 15 30 45 60 Angle of reflection, r Sin i Sin r 10 19 25 43 0.26 0.50 0.71 0.87 . Part 1: Reflection and Refraction. This lab report gives an analysis of the study taken regarding the two behaviors, that is, refraction and dispersion of light. SNC 2DI - REFRACTION OF LIGHT (Snell's Law) LAB Purpose: To observe the refraction of light as it passes from air into Lucite (plexiglass) and to calculate the index of refraction for Lucite. Margaret Wettergreen PHY 2049L 04/03/2014 Lab #11 - Dispersion from a Prism and Index of Refraction Purpose: The purpose of this lab was to study the dispersion spectrum from a prism and to measure the index of refraction of the prism. According to the Law of Reflection, the angle of incidence will equal the angle of reflection when light is shone off a flat reflecting surface. n1 n2 =. When light is shone off a spherical mirror, it will converge at a focal point. Due to refraction, the velocity of transmitted light is less than the velocity before it entered the medium. Materials Ray Box with comb Semicircular plastic block Procedure Placed the semicircular plastic block on the centre of a blank sheet of paper. The microscope is a very relevant optical tool which is used to observe and analyzed very small specimens.These specimens can be from animal, plants or human being oriented. directions of propagation in terms of the angles to the normal. Refraction of light is the bending of light as it passes from one medium to another (of different refractive index). experiment reflection, refraction and total internal . Materials Needed: pencil or straw, clear glass, water. It. side view top view the lab. Lab Preparation When light travelling through air encounters a different material, part of the light energy is reflected back into the air and part of it is transmitted into the glass, The other variables were controlled as best as could be expected. Reflection, Refraction and Polarization Introduction Refraction When a ray of light strikes the surface of a piece of transparent material the beam is splitpart of the beam is reflected from the surface, while the rest is transmitted into the material. A thorough acquaintance was done with the laser and a piece of tape was wrapped around the keep the light on when needed. index of refraction for the perspex is 1.50. Is there a frequency where the amplitude is at a maximum? in your lab report.) Support the mirror by fastening it to a wooden . Rotate the glass and make observations. The values we got for the index refraction of plastic were 1.45 using Snells law. Observe the pencil from the front of the glass. Use the information below to help guide you through writing your lab report. Refraction occurs when light enters a more or less optically dense medium, which therefore has a different refractive index (measure of the velocity light can travel at in the medium compared to in a vacuum in which it can travel at 2.9 x 108ms-1). Mathematically stated: = Snell's Law of Refraction Two things happen when light reaches a boundary between two transparent mediums, reflection and refraction. Look through the eye lens, and focus the image of the graph paper by moving the objective. Rainbows are produced by a combination of refraction and reflection and involve the dispersion of sunlight into a continuous distribution of colors. n glass = sin air /sin glass . The index of refraction is defined as the speed of light in vacuum. Interference in a Ripple Tank Optics For Kids. GOALS (1) To verify the law of reflection by measuring some incident and reflection angles off of a mirrored surface (2) To determine the relationship between the refraction of light and Snell's law. Reflection is defined as the reversal in direction of a particle stream or wave upon encountering a boundary. T he law of reflection states that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection and these angles and the normal lie on the same plane. (This procedure is a bit complex. Move the pencil in a circular motion around the inside of the glass while viewing the motion from the side of the glass (as shown in the side view below and top view ). Theory: Snell's law relates the angle of incidence and refraction to the ratio of the velocity of the wave in . Discussion The light bends or refracts when light travels from one medium to another. A mirror was placed on top of the container so that the . refraction to a medium with lower index of refraction. n1 sin 1 = n2 sin 2. This causes the light's speed to increase or decrease . Equipment Glass plate Laser Optic bench Vernier caliper Angular translator Rotational stage Procedure Please print the worksheet for this lab. Reflection and Refraction Goal: To study the reflection of light by a flat surface and to study the refraction of light through straight and curved surfaces. A well-organized series of 22 field-tested labs designed to be much more authentic for instruction than . Determine the path of the light before it strikes the mirror and after reflection from the mirror. For total internal reflection, notice that the light strikes the curved side first, emerging on the flat side of the cylindrical lens. Thus, the second law of reflection states C = speed of light in a vacuum Reflection is defined as the reversal in direction of a particle stream or wave upon encountering a boundary. Pre-Lab Discussion Laser Safety Lasers in the classes IIIa and IIIb are capable of causing damage to the eye when a laser in one of these classes is directly exposed to a person's eye, or in some cases, when reflecting off of a smooth surface. CHAPTER 9. with the normal is called the angle of reflection ( r), and the angle the refracted ray makes with the normal is called the angle of refraction ( R). Ripple Tank Project by Caroline Ward on Prezi. Conclusion/Discussion . Science. Physics. Auxiliary Materials: The downloadable protractor listed at the above web page is provided to students for inclusion in the Data section of their lab notebook. Observations are accurate. Report on Laboratory Experiment "Reflection and Refraction of Light" Table 1: Reflection of light Angle of incidence, degrees 45 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 Angle of reflection, degrees 45 50/55/60/65 70 75/80 Table II: Refraction of light Angle of incidence, degrees 10 20 30 40 50 60 80 70 Angle of . 1460 Words. The reflected ray was also in the same plane where the incident ray was. This is the measured resonance frequency. More about Reflection and Refraction Lab . The resulting value of the refracted theta will then be equal to the critical angle. Transcribed image text: LAB 5 REFLECTION AND REFRACTION Purpose In this lab we are going to investigate the law of reflection In addition, we are going to verify Snell's law Discussion Light can either reflect or refract when it is incident to a surface. In this lab, the "laws" of reflection and refraction are to be studied by using the equivalence of these two ideas. Stacy McGuire. Physics of Water Waves Lab Report 123HelpMe. The experiment consisted of two parts. Materials: Semi-circular piece of Lucite, polar graph paper, ray box Procedure: PART A: 1. Checkpoint WhatisSnell'sLaw? Due to the amount of gas present in this area group velocity decreases and the Zenith angle contributes to the troposphere refraction. This gave us a percent error of 3.3%. Made some progress with my voxel terrain in spite of the recent UV mapping issues, now I'm running into a smaller problem I can't seem to understand. Place the lenses near one end of the optical bench and the screen at the other end, as shown below. ection and refraction of light will be studied. Your goal in this investigation is to develop one or more rules that you can use to predict the behavior and path of the reflected The reference line that is used is called a normal. Below are various procedures that you will conduct for this lab. The law of reflection states that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection, or, stated mathematically, Although this relation is simple, you must always be careful to find the correct normal line that intersects the point of incidence. When dealing with refraction, the angle of transmission is dened as the angle between the transmitted ray and the surface normal at that point. their composition . Experiment 11 consisted of four . Procedure: The light source is placed on a blank sheet of paper and turned the wheel to select a single ray. THEORY: Analysis/Questions: 1. REFLECTION AND REFRACTION 80 surface of the mirror. The purpose of this experiment was to test the validity of the Law of Reflection and Snell's Law (Also known as the Law of Refraction). Practical Physics Basic Experiments with Ripple Tanks. Refraction is described mathematically by Snell's law . Science. The law of reflection states that the angle of reflection and angle of incidence are equal, with . . of the Law of Reflection and Snell's Law (Also known as the Law of Refraction). (i) against (r) Discussion and Conclusions: The entire experimental results indicate that there is a correlation between the angle of incidence, the angle of refraction . Light will converge at a real focal point in front the concave mirror, and light will converge at a virtual . Use the light ray box with a single slit to send a ray of light on to the mirror. When light rays hit the surface of a material, some of them are reflected. The microscope used a combination of ocular and objective lenses that produce magnified images of the small objects. Investigation 1.2 Angles of incidence and reflection a. This change in direction of the transmitted light is refraction Section te Student Name Report on Laboratory Experiment "Reflection and Refraction of Light" Table I: Reflection of light Angle of incidence, 45 50 degrees 70 75 80 Angle of degrees Table II: Refraction of light Angle of degrees Angle of 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 refraction, degrees . At what frequency is the peak?) Reflection, Refraction, and Total Internal Reflection Lab Report Example. Refraction Action Lab Included, labeled and organized all parts of the lab report. Physics questions and answers. The law of reflection states that the angle of reflection . Reflection, Refraction, and Diffraction Lab The purpose of this lab is to investigate wave interactions. This is an . The first law of reflection = % states that when the incident ray hit a smooth plane surface, creating an angle called the incidence angle, it where: n = index of refraction will lie on the same plane as the normal line and its v = velocity of the medium reflected ray. The objectives of this lab was to confirm the laws of reflection and refraction. Reflection And Refraction Lab Report Pdf Download Author: Subject: Reflection And Refraction Lab Report Keywords: Reflection And Refraction Lab Report, pdf, free, download, book, ebook, books, ebooks Created Date: 6/8/2022 6:15:33 AM With this experiment we begin the study of light and its interaction with various optical components. Procedure 2: Pencil in a Glass. Take the pencil and immerse it vertically in the water. A. Refraction of Light Lab Answers Refraction of Light PART I This laboratory was designed to investigate the behaviour of light as it travels through a less dense into a denser medium. For an air-glass boundary we can set the index of refraction of air equal to one. Zip. Hypothesis. Reflection / refraction for water material not working. The objective of this experiment is to study the path of light rays due to reflection and refraction at plane surfaces and to verify the Law of Reflection in a plane mirror and Snell's Law of Refraction. Physics. Since light has the maximum speed in vacuum, the index of refraction for any material is always greater than 1. The amount of light reflected or refracted depends on the angle at which you are looking relative to the surface. Sorry. In Figure 1 you see a ray of light that is incident on a plane surface. Lab Exercise 5: Reflection and Refraction. The incident ray, the normal and the refracted ray all lie on the same plane. 2)The incident ray, the refracted ray and the normal to the surface, all lie in the sameplane. 1. Reflection And Refraction In Media. If a line is normal to the surface at the point where the light . The experiment was repeated for the other angles of incidences (30, 45 and 60). Report on Laboratory Experiment "Reflection and Refraction of Light" Table 1: Reflection of light Angle of incidence, degrees 45 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 Angle of reflection, degrees 45 50/55/60/65 70 75/80 Table II: Refraction of light Angle of incidence, degrees 10 20 30 40 50 60 80 70 Angle of . and refraction lab report 1 pdf free download, refraction of light physics brock, reflection and refraction experiment essay example for, part a the law of reflection department of physics and, phy 124 optics reflection refraction and images stony, refraction of light experiment dispersion of light Procedure: Fill the glass about 2/3 full of water. The following experiment consists of two parts; the first part used fresh tap water while the second experiment used salty water.The real depth (RD) of the container was measured.The container was then filled with ordinary tap water and a metal pin placed at the bottom of the container. indexes of refraction of the two media. 2. Snell's Law relates the indices of refraction of the two media to the. Tape a plain sheet of paper to the piece of cardboard supplied. Unformatted text preview: CENTRE OF FOUNDATION STUDIES FOUNDATION PHYSICS II LABORATORY REPORT Experiment REFLECTION OF LIGHT Name NURAIN FARHANAH BINTI RIZMAN Student ID 2020495044 Class PI080S33 Lab instructor's name MISS PUTERI NOOR SAFURA BINTI MEGAT MAHMUD Date of experiment 2 FEBRUARY 2021 Marks Comment ABSTRACT The purpose of this experiment is to justify the law of reflection for a . and molecules which affect the radio waves between the satellite and the receiver. The refractive index Aim: The aim of this experiment is to find the refractive index of a glass prism. Compared to the angle of incidence, the angle of refraction was smaller. Caution: Avoid putting ngerprints on the surfaces of the optical elements. Therefore, with the acquired results, it can be observed that the angle of refraction is smaller than the angle of incidence. The method used to achieve this was through the use of a glass block, source of light, and meter sticks. The lower the zenith angle the more affected is the tropospheric refraction. Pre-Lab Discussion Laser Safety Lasers in the classes IIIa and IIIb are capable of causing damage to the eye when a laser in one of these classes is directly exposed to a person's eye, or in some cases, when reflecting off of a smooth surface. In our case, water is the one which is more optically dense. Refraction occurs when light rays bend and change direction as they travel across the boundary into the second medium, causing a change in the light's velocity. Place the last pin several centimeters from the curved side of the box, so that it appears to line up with the other 2 pins as you look through the liquid. Scoring Rubric: RM1. Class IIIb Lasers Lab Report 658 Words | 3 Pages. Optics Reflection And Refraction Lab Report Conclusion. Physics questions and answers. For refraction, Snell's Law will be tested. Reection from a plane mirror Dispersion is defined to . 1 2 =. 2. I decided to add water and of course made the material transparent and enabled reflection and refraction. Experiment has shown (and will show again in this lab) that the angle of the reflected light is equal to the angle of the incident light . Looking through the liquid in the box, align your eye so that you see the two pins on the other side of the box in line with each other. This zip file includes the labs for "Mirror Mirror", "Slime Dance", "Pencil Bend", "Roy G Biv" and "Color Mash". In this experiment you will trace the path of a light ray through a block of glass and measure the index of refraction of the glass. Tape a piece of graph paper to the screen. 2. In addition to carrying out the procedures, you need to write a formal lab report. The results proved what I hypothesised that the salt and vinegar . Although this is easy for a flat surface (it is just the line that is perpendicular to the . Place a pencil (or straw) in a clear glass of water. The angle of refraction is the angle between the transmitted ray and the normal. For total internal reflection to occur, nr must be greater than ni. 13 Pages. Handle them by the edges. Reflection Lab Included, labeled and organized all parts of the lab report. In this experiment, the angle of incidence was equal to the angle of reflection. Goals: (1) Determine the point of divergence for a set of light rays (2) Measure and verify the law of reflection (3) Measure and verify the refraction of light Introduction. The independant variable in this experiment was the strength of the solutions (75% Salt 25% Water etc.). Label this pin "R1" (refraction #1). (Graph paper and tape are in the lab room.) Wave phenomena ripple tank experiments U of T Physics. 18. Reflection And Refraction Lab Report Pdf Download Author: Subject: Reflection And Refraction Lab Report Keywords: Reflection And Refraction Lab Report, pdf, free, download, book, ebook, books, ebooks Created Date: 6/8/2022 6:15:33 AM APPARATUS: Drawing board, sheet of paper, board pins, rectangular glass slab. Data section includes an organized documentation of observations for both parts of the lab (The Broken Pencil and the Marching Soldiers). refraction as enters that transparent medium. Given the value of k you measured in the first part of the experiment, calculate the expected value of the resonant frequency. Place the mirror on the solid line on Sheet 1 from the last page of the lab. Reflection of Light from a Mirror. At the angle where the refracted rays disappear, and only reflection takes place at the inner face, stop rotating the trapezoid Step 2. For some reason though I can't see . divided by the speed of light in the medium. Draw the light rays as you did in the previous . Reflection and Refraction Lab Abstract: In this experiment, the concepts of reflection and refraction were investigated through numerous experiments; in each experiment, reflection or refraction was observed in multiple ways. The reflection and refraction of the sound waves through the subseafloor will provide important information about the properties of the different layers in the subsurface (e.g. In this session you will explore refraction at a plane interface and image formation by reflection from spherical surfaces. The growth of the plants over time was the dependant variable (The dependant variable is the total growth). In this experiment, the. (Bend down so the glass is at eye level). Week one Discussion question 2; ATI RN Comprehensive Predictor 2019 Form A B C zbh1u6 . PART 3 - Total Internal Reflection Step 1. In the first part of this lab, we will investigate the basic principles of ray optics, Snell's law and the Law of Reflection. Reflection and refraction are two commonly observed optical properties of light. Reflection and Refraction Experiment. DISCUSSION As observed from the experiment, the angle of incidence was equal to the angle of reflection for the three cases. INTRODUCTION. In this experiment the independent variable is the angle of incidence and the dependent variable is the angle of refraction. CHAPTER4:EXPERIMENT2 where 2 is the angle of refraction of the ray that is transmitted into the second medium. The objective of this experiment was to analyze the laws of reflection and refraction. Draw a line across the center of the paper and place the mirror along this line. By completing this lab, one would be able to determine if the index of refraction depends on the color of . The law of reflection is a simple equation that is used in many applications. 2. In front of the ray we place the mirror on the paper. Answer all questions. 3. Address the points highlighted in blue. In order to describe reflection or refraction at a plane surface you need to measure angles with respect to a common reference line. The materials needed to perform the lab were a semi-circular disc filled with water, a protractor, a laser, and tape. . More about Reflection and Refraction Lab . Rotate the trapezoid slowly and watch as the refracted rays get closer and closer to the outer surface of the trapezoid. To do this, we needed to determine the index of refraction for different materials and to use the total internal reflection method. Snell's law therefore yields for the index of refraction of the glass. use a ruler, or some form of straight edge and include these sketches in your lab report as figures to which you can refer in your conclusion, as necessary. Light and Waves Labs. Onheotherhand,allofushaveenjoyedthesunlightorthe convenience%ofan% (In other words, is there a peak in Graph 2? Class IIIb Lasers Lab Report 658 Words | 3 Pages. In this experiment, the relationship between the angle of reflection, the angle of refraction, and the angle of incidence was established. Reflection and Refraction Lab Page 3 Seeing reflection and refraction at the same time Both refraction and reflection often occur when light hits a boundary between materials such as the boundary between glass and air. Figure 6.1: Refraction overview Snell's law quantifies the relationship that is observed in Figure 6.1: n 1 sin 1 = n 2 sin 2 (6.1) where n 1 is nthe index of refraction of medium 1, 2 is the index of refraction medium 2, 1 is the angle that the light ray makes with respect to the . Also measure the lateral displacement. where.